Durango Birth Doula
Monica Wagner, CD(DONA)
Serving La Plata County, Colorado and the surrounding areas

Free Consultation
Before choosing me as your birth doula I would like to meet with you and your partner in person to discuss my practice, my fees, and what I can do for you so that you have the best birth experience possible.
Phone & Email Support
I am available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for my clients and I answer calls and texts very quickly, even at 3am.
Prenatal Visits
I like to meet with my clients multiple times prior to the start of labor and the birth of your baby. These visits can happen at your home, a place of your choosing or before/after your scheduled Dr/Midwife appointments. I want my clients to feel comfortable having me around so we can meet as often as you like, with 2 meetings being my preferred minimum. After 39 weeks we can also try Acupressure and Aromatherapy.
During labor
As your birth doula, I will meet with you at your home or the hospital when your labor starts or when you are ready to have me by your side. I offer continuous labor, birth and postpartum support from the time I arrive by your side until a few hours after your baby has been born. Labor support also includes comfort measures like Massage, Birthing Ball or Peanut Ball assistance, Rebozo techniques, Hydrotherapy, Acupressure, Aromatherapy and assistance with Labor and Birthing Positioning.

As a Doula, I Do Not:
Perform any clinical tasks
Clinical tasks, such as blood pressure, fetal heart checks, and vaginal exams, are preformed by your nurse, doctor or midwife. I am with you to provide physical comfort and emotional support.
Make decisions for you
I cannot make decisions for you. I will help you get the information necessary to make an informed decision. I will also gently remind you if there is a departure from your birth plan.
Baby’s first feeding Support
If you decide to breastfeed your baby I will help you establish your baby's first feeding at the hospital. I can assist you and your baby to get an effective latch, show you different positions to hold your baby while breastfeeding and give you other suggestions as you learn.
Speak to the staff on your behalf
I will discuss your concerns with you and suggest options, but you and your partner will speak directly to the clinical staff.
Postpartum follow-up visit
I want to keep in touch with my clients during your postpartum time and beyond. I am available to, and prefer to, meet with you and your partner to discuss your birth, your baby and how you are settling in. I am available to assist further with breastfeeding, pumping and milk storage, babywearing, and overall newborn and child care.
Project any of my own beliefs onto your experience
Your labor and birth are your own experience and I will support you in whatever decisions you make or how you hope your labor should progress. The only time I will speak up or excuse myself is if I feel you are causing serious harm to yourself or your baby.

Professional Information
I received my classroom training through Sterling Doulas* in Littleton, Colorado in 2015 and received my certification with DONA International, which was completed in October of 2017. I serve all of La Plata County, Colorado and am willing to travel further.
*Now called Denver Doula Training
Community Referrals
If you would like to speak to any of my previous clients, just let me know and I can have them contact you. I can also help you to find a Pediatrician, Ob/Gyn, Therapist, or any other professional who can assist you.